Abbots in Transition had its first meeting on the 19th March 2010. Prior to this meeting Ian Bond had spent about a year speaking to local people and businesses to stimulate interest in local sourcing of various products, and to try to find other people interested in the Transition Movement. This led to the publication of an article in Abbots News at the beginning of March 2010, which then prompted other interested people to come forward.

There were six local residents at the inaugural meeting – Ian Bond, John Collier, Belinda Phipps, Sara Bedford, Caroline Whately- Smith and Peter Warman, and two others who were interested but not able to attend – Denise Bond and Marion Woolhouse. At this meeting the name ALTTA (Abbots Langley Transition Town Association) was suggested by Sara and approved by the Group.

The first ALTTA community event ‘Going Green Together’ was held almost a year later in the Henderson Hall. At this event thirteen local organisations promoted their sustainable activities in Abbots Langley.

A few weeks later, at the end of April 2011, the first community market was held in the Henderson Hall. Community markets were held four times a year at the same venue for the following 9 years until they were halted by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

In September 2020 the group decided to change their name to Abbots in Transition.